Plus, information about how to become a surrogate with Family Creations.

Hands holding two puzzle pieces that fit together.

How Does a Surrogate Matching Agency Work?

You might wonder how a surrogacy agency matches intended parents and surrogates to ensure a strong relationship and a healthy bond. At Family Creations, we take the process of how to choose a surrogate very seriously because we know how important it is for the surrogate and intended parents to be on the same page. Learn more about the steps we take to guarantee a good match!

1. Surrogate Screening

When you review our website to learn how to become a surrogate, it’s important to note that not everyone is accepted into our program. As a premier surrogacy agency, Family Creations is very selective about who is eligible to be a surrogate. All surrogate candidates must undergo a thorough assessment and screening before being accepted. The screenings include interviews, background checks, medical reviews, psychological assessments, and more. The screening process can take several months to ensure no health or financial risks are involved. This level of rigor is intentional and designed to protect both the intended parents and surrogates. You can learn more about our policies and procedures on our surrogate FAQ page

When we accept our surrogate candidates, we educate them about the details of the entire surrogate matching process so they know exactly what to expect. We also educate the intended parents so they are aware of the process. As a well-respected surrogacy agency, our #1 goal is to provide as much information as possible to ensure transparency throughout the surrogacy timeline. We don’t want there to be any surprises for either party.

2. Searching Our Surrogate Directory

Due to our many years of working with intended parents (both couples and individuals, including members of the LGBTQIA+ community) about how to choose a surrogate, Family Creations has built up an expansive pool of surrogates designed to meet the needs of our intended parents. In addition to finding surrogates that meet standards for preferred physical characteristics, we also help intended parents sort through surrogate profiles that detail their upbringing and current home life, religious beliefs, contact preferences, and much more. Because of our extensive surrogate network, our surrogacy agency allows intended parents to be as particular as they want to find the perfect match. Then, when we have all the specifics the intended parents prefer, we send them a selection of profiles to explore.

3.  First Meeting

A couple meets with a woman during the surrogate matching process.

After a woman has thoroughly investigated how to become a surrogate with Family Creations, decided to apply to our program, and has been accepted, intended parents can learn more about her and connect with her through our directory. Setting up a meeting between the parent(s) and the surrogate is required to ensure compatibility. During this initial meeting, both sides can ask more in-depth questions and decide whether there is a connection. At our surrogacy agency, both sides are never required to continue with a particular surrogate or set of intended parents if the meeting did not go as well as you hoped. Our advisors will continue the surrogate-matching process to find a more compatible connection.

4. The Importance of Legal Representation

When a match is made between a qualified surrogate and intended parents, your Family Creations advisor will help set up the legal requirements. It is very important to work with an experienced legal professional who understands the state(s) regulations where the intended parents and surrogate reside. Because each state has different laws surrounding family planning, our surrogacy agency has residency requirements for surrogates. Meeting these requirements and developing a comprehensive surrogacy contract helps ensure the well-being of both sides.   

5. Preparing for the IVF Procedure 

Once the contracts between the intended parents and the surrogate are complete, it’s time to connect to the medical professionals who will handle the IVF (in vitro fertilization) embryo transfer and subsequent ultrasounds. Depending on the intended parent(s), this process may involve the woman’s eggs or eggs from a donor. It is important to note that with gestational surrogacy (what Family Creations specializes in as a surrogacy agency), the surrogate’s eggs are not used. Therefore, she will have no genetic ties to the child. You can learn more about this process (read the article from application through birth) on our website. 

6. The Surrogacy Journey

During the months between verified pregnancy and the birth of your child, communication between the intended parents and the surrogate is essential to have a healthy and stress-free journey. Because every surrogacy experience is unique, communication preferences will vary. In our 15 years of surrogate-matching, we believe the key is maintaining an open, honest, and respectful interaction throughout the process. Some intended parents and surrogates prefer to maintain a friendly, yet professional, distance while others want to become much closer and involved in each other’s lives. As a leading surrogacy agency, Family Creations encourages discussions regarding the type and level of communication you prefer and what kind of relationship you’d like to have during and after the surrogacy process. The earlier these conversations occur, the more satisfied both intended parents and surrogates are.

Considering Twins? 

If having twins is a dream you’d like to fulfill in creating your family, you need to share that information when beginning the surrogate-matching process. The Family Creations surrogacy agency database does include women who have expressed interest in carrying twins or multiples. However, intended parents need to note that the odds of carrying a successful twin/multiple pregnancy to term are reduced and that the surrogate is at a greater health risk. Your advisor will help you navigate the requirements of surrogacy for twins or multiples.

How to Become a Surrogate with Family Creations

If reading this article about how to choose a surrogate has grabbed your attention and you’re curious about the gestational surrogacy process, our website is filled with helpful information to get you started. From our health and financial requirements to payment cycles and past pregnancy experiences, our professional advisors guide you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision. As a leading surrogacy agency, we believe in full transparency. No question is too challenging, and all questions will be answered!   

Our Standards

To help intended parents fulfill their dream of growing their family, Family Creations focuses on our three pillars of surrogacy: patience, diligence, and empathy. Ultimately, our success at educating qualified women on how to become a surrogate and intended parents on how to choose a surrogate is due to listening. We try to get to know our intended parents and surrogates, their beliefs, and their expectations. As a surrogacy agency, our professional staff takes pride in establishing deep relationships and listening to everyone’s needs to discover the right match.
Ready to work with a surrogacy and egg donation agency that will help you have the family of your dreams? Contact Family Creations today! With offices located throughout the United States, we’re never far away.

by Julia McConnell | Last updated on : June 26, 2024