Each of Family Creation’s Donor Case Manager’s has been a previous egg donor. They have gone through the appointments, the ultrasounds, the lab work, the medications, the retrieval, and all things in between! This adds incredible value to the clients they assist (both recipient parents and egg donors) because they know first hand what the process entails! One of our case managers has just been selected as a donor and she will be sharing her experience on Family Creation’s blog to help educate prospective donors on what to expect. While she was not matched as a Family Creations donor, (this would pose an obvious conflict of interest) she was matched through a local doctor’s office that has a small pool of donors for their patients to choose from. Follow our Case Manager as she guides you through her experience.
My First Appointment
When I received an email from the clinic, letting me know that they had someone very interested in me as their donor, I was filled with surprise, joy and excitement. After being an available donor with their clinic for several months, I’m thrilled to hear that someone finally found their perfect donor and I’m more than excited to do anything that I can to help them on this journey. Being a proven donor, I’m familiar with the process and know what to expect when they bring me in for my initial screening. The doctor performed a vaginal ultrasound and said that my ovaries look “gorgeous” which I’m relieved to hear. Since they had done some preliminary blood tests to check my hormone levels a few months ago, they were able to approve me as a suitable donor candidate on the spot. The doctor then brought me into his office with the nurse and explained the next steps, medication, etc. Since my ovaries are very suppressed from taking birth control for years, the doctor instructed me to discontinue the pills and to call them on the first day of my next period. They also discussed what medication protocol would be best and most comfortable for me. I left their office with a great sense of relief not only because of the great care and attention of the clinics staff but also because we’re already one step closer to helping a couple start a family of their own.
Sure enough, my period started two days later and I called the clinic right away to let them know. They instructed me to stay off of my birth control pills and to call when I receive my next period. I also gave them my “black out dates” because the timing of the cycle is very intricate and my availability around the time the medication cycle is crucial. The clinic will be putting together a cycle timeline soon and because of the holidays the clinic anticipates my retrieval being in early January.
Since I am now “medically cleared” (all preliminary hormone and genetic testing, as well as vaginal ultrasounds are complete) the next step will be for the recipients to begin working on the legal contract. I’ve already introduced myself to my attorney so he will contact me when he has a copy of the contract for my review.
But, for now, all I have to do is wait…
*Please note that all cycles are a bit different and each physician has his or her own protocol. Instructions for each individual donation will be provided by the physician that is coordinating the cycle.